Nourishing Herbal Infusions
This is the place to start in improving your health and bringing herbs into your life
I drink nourishing herbal infusion (NHI) every day. At this time, I’m weaning my two-year-old, and since still producing some breastmilk, I drink nearly two quarts a day. For most people, one quart of nourishing infusion is enough. That means I don’t drink water or much tea or other beverages. I like to have some coffee or tea in the morning, and maybe another cup later on, but mostly, I drink infusion.
How do nourishing infusions benefit us? If you compare with water, the major difference is mineral depletion vs. mineralization. NHI bring minerals (hard stuff from the earth) into our bodies through the plants. They do the work of drawing up nutrients from the soil, metabolizing them into their plant bodies, and then we pick and dry and cut the plants up. Drying helps break down the cell wall of the plant for it to release the minerals and vitamins and other nutrients stored inside. I’ll explain more about how to make a quart of infusion in a moment. But briefly, I use 1oz by weight of dried herb, per quart, pour boiling water over it and let sit overnight. An ounce of dried herb is a LARGE quantity of herb and must be weighed using a scale-this is not a tea. The herb has been dried which breaks down tough plant cell walls, AND boiling water continues this process. The long steeping period ensures all the good stuff is transferred from the herb to the water. Water, on the other hand, likes to bind to minerals. When we drink water (and many health-conscious folks OVER drink water) it takes important minerals out of the body. Ever heard of folks who have died from excess water consumption? Yes, it happens and has to do with an imbalance of electrolytes, which can be fatal. Sweating also leaches minerals out of our bodies.
Minerals play an important role in many bodily functions. Our bones are made of minerals like calcium. And our nervous, immune, and hormonal systems all depend on minerals for effective growth and functioning. According to the Oklahoma State Extension, minerals are key in allowing our bodies to make use of the nutrients found in food. It is now well known that due to conventional agricultural processes our soils have been depleted of many minerals. I was told this one day at the health food store, as the woman in the supplement and herb section guided me to various supplements that would supposedly give me those needed minerals.
The great thing about herbs is that they are weeds. They do not require special conditions to grow. While they are cultivated in places around the globe, they are experts at drawing the nutrients they need from the soil and passing them along to us. Supplements are often simply one type of vitamin or mineral, excluding the various forms of that substance found in nature. If we take supplements, we get a one-dimensional form of whatever we are taking. For example, vitamin C is sold as citric acid, although there are many forms of vitamin C. Calcium is sold as calcium carbonate (what chalk used to be made from). Although many forms of calcium exist, in supplement form we are provided none of that diversity. In addition, supplements have not been found to absorb easily into the body, nor to prolong longevity. Their benefits have been mostly a marketing campaign designed to get us spending lots on pills (that are also largely unregulated) and are really only helpful in cases where someone has little to no access to quality nutrition.
The beauty of infusions is not only that they provide us with minerals and vitamins that are readily absorbed by our bodies. They can also provide us with a mental reprieve from the stress of not knowing how or what to eat, how or what we must do to maintain our health. Simply add nourishing herbal infusions to your diet and make them your primary drink. Leave the supplements behind. Know that while dried herbs are on the market and can be bought wholesale (which I recommend), these are plants that grow freely from the earth. If needed, if desired, you can go out and harvest your own! It’s really fun.
What plants are suited for NHI? There are five primary plants that I know of to be the best to drink in a daily rotation. The basic rules for making infusions are to use food-like herbs. Not herbs with a strong smell (indicating volatile oils), or high in alkaloids (that which makes herbs bitter). The primary five plants are Stinging Nettle (urtica dioica), Red Clover Blossom (trifolium pratense), Linden Flower (tilia sp.), Comfrey Leaf (Symphytum officinale), and Oatsraw (avena sativa). There are other herbs that make wonderful infusions as well and have other benefits such as hawthorn berry, mullein leaf, chickweed, violet leaf, rose hips, cleavers, and hibiscus (really great in the summer).
Stinging Nettle: this plant is known all over the world as a medicinal herb and wild food. Nettle is incredibly nutritious. Thought of as the milk of the earth, nettle is full of calcium, iron, potassium, and is high in protein. The effects of drinking nettle infusion regularly are more energy, shinier and stronger hair and nails, and more stable emotions. Nettles iron rich leaves help with preventing blood loss during birth. With my first two births I had some excess bleeding. This was before drinking nettle regularly. With my third, I drank lots of nettle infusion, and kept my iron up. I had no excess bleeding this time. Nettle is a known gelactegogue (helps with breastmilk production), and a kidney ally. Nettle helps strengthen veins. I drink nettle infusion often. It’s one of my favorites. When I’m extra tired or going through some stressful times, I drink more nettle. In the Spring I add nettle to my diet in the form of nettle soup. Nettle is a great substitute for spinach. I use nettle as a hair rinse after washing my hair and find it keep my hair extra healthy. I really can’t say enough good about Stinging Nettle. In the Spring, when I go to harvest nettle from a small patch on our land I sit and breathe. I ask for the plant to share its wisdom with me. Nettle says that it’s good to pay attention to your surroundings. I used to put on gloves to harvest nettle, but now I harvest nettle bare handed. Yes, I get stung some (although not as much as before). It is a strong sensation, but now I find I’m used to it, and it wears off by the end of the day. On some occasions I have purposefully stung myself on achy joints. This is called urtication and can promote blood flow and healing. Nettle’s little stinging hairs are hollow and filled with formic acid. When brushed up against, they break off and sting. Ow! The tops are cut when the plant is small for soup or to use as a green, and the stalk is cut and dried for infusion, before the plant has flowered. I think of nettle as the elixir of life. It gives, and gives, and gives.
Comfrey Leaf: I love comfrey. When made into an infusion comfrey turns into a brew that is dark and has a slightly viscous quality to it. This can make it somewhat unappealing to certain people. Susun Weed recommends adding a pinch of mint, to add some freshness to comfrey infusion. Before we start trouble shooting, let me say more about the amazing benefits of drinking comfrey infusion. Comfrey is known in the herbal literature to bring healing and flexibility to bones, ligaments, muscles, and connective tissues. Any time I have an injury that I’m nursing, I will drink extra comfrey as well as use it as a poultice directly on the area. It is known to bring down inflammation, and soothe all mucous membranes, such as the intestinal lining, respiratory system, and reproductive organs. Unfortunately, comfrey has controversy surrounding it. These false claims, that comfrey is somehow dangerous are due to a couple tales that have circulated and scared people. I recently attended an online conference focused only on this plant. Over a dozen herbalists with decades of experience shared their experience and research on this plant. Most notably David Hoffman’s presentation a deep look into the scientific evidence implicating comfrey in any harm and found none. I feel completely safe drinking comfrey, did so during my pregnancy and lactation, know many women who have done the same, and continue to love this plant and share it with my family.
Red Clover: I was less interested in drinking this infusion at first. I wasn’t as drawn to it for some reason. That has started to change for me after reading more into the healing benefits of this plant. Red clover is a plant in the bean family. Like other beans, the blossoms of this plant is high in phytosterols. These compounds, sometimes called “plant hormones” are precursors that the body can use for hormonal functioning. However, this is largely dependent on the quality of gut flora in the individual. The benefit of this, is that these phytosterols (which are found in all seeds and roots) can be cancer protective because they outcompete with more dangerous hormonally active compounds found in our environment-and our own bodies-such as estradiol. This is a simplification of a complicated process in the body, but is my basic understanding of how phytosterols protect us from cancer. Drinking red clover has benefits for the nervous system as well. It is high in protein, and very nourishing. I find it gives me a sense of grounded clarity I appreciate very much. In her book, Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year, Susun Weed recommends drinking a few quarts of red clover infusion per week for any woman who wishes to become pregnant, has had fertility issues in the past, or is over 40.
Linden: I love linden! Unlike the other infusion herbs only half the amount is used (.5oz per quart). The flowers of linden are composed of the buds and another part that looks like a green leaf, but is in fact part of the flower, it’s called a bract. Linden has a very pleasant and mild flavor and is easy to drink. It’s also an amazing anti-inflammatory and very soothing to the respiratory system. Like, comfrey, it is somewhat slippery and brings moisture to all mucous membranes. Great for preventing colds and flu, and bringing down the heat, linden has been also known as a mood lifter and calmative.
Oatstraw: Last, but not least is oatstraw. This is the grass of the plant we know as oats. It is harvested either green, or once the plant has produced it’s seed and is basically the hay of oats. Loaded with minerals, oatstraw is known as an amazing nourisher to the nervous system. Anyone that is nervous, ancy, anxious or just plain jumpy will benefit from oatstraw infusion. I credit oatstraw infusion with helping me to increase my resiliency in the face of stress and challenges. I have seen my mental wellbeing increase and increase since drinking all the infusions, but I think it’s the oatstraw that has provided me with increased calm and clarity. This infusion is great to drink and can also be used in a bath. I have taken a bath with a half-gallon of strained oatsraw infusion when feeling very distressed and exited that bath feeling calm and collected. This has solidified my belief in this plant, I love it!
To make a nourishing herbal infusion:
Use a kitchen scale to weigh a canning jar and zero out the scale using “tare” button (I also use a canning funnel to easily dump herb in)
Weigh out the dried herb: 1oz per quart, 2oz per 1/2 gallon, etc.
On a heat resistant surface, pour boiling water over the herb, give a stir (I use a chopstick) and make sure water lever reaches the top of the jar.
Put a tight lid (I use the two-part canning lid) on and let steep 4-10 hours. Overnight works well too.
Once steeped, strain into a clean jar and squeeze herb to release all liquid.
IMPORTANT-refrigerate right away and keep cold. Due to high protein content NIH spoil quickly. It’s a good idea to drink them within 24-36 hours.
Special considerations: I like to drink infusions iced. But they can also be enjoyed hot. You can add honey or even other beverages like apple juice. The goal is to drink a quart a day, but NIH can take some getting used to. Drink less at first and work your way up. I did not have any issue drinking a quart a day, but everyone is different.
Comfrey and linden can be made into a second “re-brew,” this is a good idea in order to extract all the mucilaginous qualities which are highly anti-inflammatory. To do the re-brew, take the spent herb after the original infusion, place into a saucepan and pour a pint (half the amount of water) of COLD water over the herb. Bring this water up to a boil, turn off the flame, and then cover. Let sit about 4 hours and strain. This second brew can be consumed on its own or mixed in with the first infusion liquid.
Drink one herb per day on a rotating basis. For example, you may drink nettle on Monday, oatsraw on Tuesday, Red Clover on Wednesday, etc, until you’ve cycled through them all. If you are drawn to one herb more than others, you can cycle back to it more frequently. For example, if you love oatsraw you can drink linden one day, then nettle, then oatstraw, then red clover, comfrey, then oatsraw again, etc. Do not mix the herbs or infusion liquid. This is because we get many more benefits from drinking one herb at a time. This also is because we can begin to form a relationship with each plant on its own. We can get familiar with the taste, feel, and other qualities of the herbs.
As far as where to buy dried herb, there are several herbal suppliers. I tend to use Frontier Herbs and buy my herbs by the pound using a wholesale account. Look around, there are other places to buy herbs. I believe you can find them on Amazon as well.
We can harvest and dry our own herbs. I like to harvest some of my own each year. I can never harvest enough to supply myself with herb for infusions, but it’s very satisfying to have some of my own stored away. There are techniques for drying and storing herbs that you may already know. I can address this in a future post.
As a final thought, we may think that feeling better and seeing changes happens slowly, but I have come to learn that we can notice benefits more quickly than this. If you begin this journey with infusions see how you feel in 10 days, 3 weeks, 6 weeks. You may be surprised!